CSS Generator

Easing Wizard - CSS Easing Editor and Generator

Easing Wizard is a powerful online tool designed to simplify the creation and customization of CSS easing functions, enabling precise control over web animations. This intuitive tool helps web designers and developers easily generate custom easing curves, significantly enhancing the smoothness and visual appeal of animations on websites.

Screenshot of Easing Wizard interface showcasing various easing curves and customization options.

Key Features of Easing Wizard

  • Multiple Easing Curves: Supports various types of easing curves including Bézier, spring, bounce, elastic, and overshoot, giving extensive options to customize animations.
  • Rich Preset Collection: Offers pre-built easing presets such as Sine, Quad, Cubic, Quart, Quint, Expo, Circ, Jump, and Anticipate, allowing quick application of popular animation effects.
  • Real-Time Preview: Provides 10 preview modes, letting users instantly visualize the impact of their easing settings, streamlining the fine-tuning process.
  • Code Generation: Quickly generates ready-to-use CSS and Tailwind CSS code snippets for seamless integration of customized easing animations into projects.
  • Easy Configuration Sharing: Users can effortlessly share their custom easing setups through generated links, improving collaboration within teams.

Easing Wizard was created by Matthias Martin, a full-stack design engineer dedicated to building intuitive and highly functional tools. Since its launch, Easing Wizard has quickly gained popularity among developers and designers, who appreciate its user-friendly interface and precision in creating custom easing effects.

Whether you're a web designer looking to enhance your site's animations or a developer seeking streamlined animation workflows, Easing Wizard offers a comprehensive solution to create engaging and visually appealing web animations with ease.

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